Onion Story
Local man Fintan Lethert is upset with Miami Heat player Lebron James after missing two consecutive free throws in the last 10 seconds of the Heat's 74- 50 loss to the San Antonio Spurs. Fintan has been a heat fan since the arrival of Lebron James and Chris Bosh. Chris Bosh also missed his fair share of free throws, possibly due to his lack of basketball talent. Fintan said "I expected more of Lebron James. I knew Wade and Bosh couldn't make a free throw to save their lives" He later added "Lebron should have been able to make those free throws. After all it was like the 30th time he went to the charity stripe in that game. James would not comment on his performance. After the game Tim Duncan was seen practicing free throws even though his team was not fortunate enough to come from a large market and, as a result, did not get to shoot many free throws. Duncan also added "In basketball today every game comes down to free throws, you know, unless you are playing the Timberwolves. They are usually able to lose early enough in the game so free throws do not really matter." Tim Duncan lead all scorers with 16 points, going 6 for 6 at the free throw line. When asked about free throws Spurs guard Tony Parker said "Free throws are basically free points. Anyone who can't make a free throw consistently should not be playing in the NBA. Lethert later went out to his basketball hoop in his backyard. He attempted 30 free throws going 24 for 30, even though he had taken almost a year off from basketball. Lethert said" I mean, how can a guy who gets paid millions of dollars just to shoot a basketball miss that many free throws. He (Lebron James) should be more like Tim Duncan and practice once in a while. Maybe then he could win a title, like Tim Duncan." It is too late for the Heat this year. Maybe Lebron James will actually practice during his long offseason, but even so his next season will probably end in another spectacular showing of failure. Fintan has finally accepted that the Miami Heat are not going to win an NBA title anytime soon. He finally accepted his Irish roots and switched to rooting for the Celtics, a move that would not have been possible before they picked up Keven Garnet and Ray Allen, and got back to their winning ways.
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