Thursday, October 28, 2010

PSA Blog entry #1

The ideal role of public service announcements in our media culture is to inform citizens about issues that effect their community and offer ways to get involved. However, in today's media culture, these messages are often twisted. It is our job as members of the communities in which we live to understand the information presented to us by our media organizations, figure out the message they want to send, and decide if that is a worthy cause to work for.
Some of the topics that my group considered producing a public service announcement about include the following: head injuries in sports, the importance of stretching and warming up before sports, the value of a healthy diet, and the negative effects of sleep deprivation. We plan to do our P.S.A. on sleep deprivation and focus on how this problem effects teens. We will achieve this by showing teens staying up late doing things that most teens do like going on Facebook, watching television, and playing video games. While they are doing these activities, someone is run over to them and punch them in the face. This will symbolize the effects of sleep deprivation in a similar way to the "Terry Tate: Office Linebacker" commercials. My role creating this plan was to help lay out possible activities to showcase and to get the group organized by creating a preliminary story board and discussing possible settings  as well as filming and lighting techniques and props.

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