Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog #2

One of the most effective advertising campaigns is the series of commercials produced by Dos Equis.  These commercials start out by introducing the audience to a man who is doing something that interests the audience such as climbing the side of a cliff to feed a nest full of food.  There is then a voice over that explains a few things about the man in a voice that demands attention.  After these events are explained the voice declares   " He is the most interesting man in the world!"  The audience is then sent to a bar with this man who says " I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis."  This line is effective because it is believable.  In the past commercials have claimed that their character only used their product.  Dos Equis also changed the norm in advertising of using attractive spokespeople to using interesting spokespeople.  Today many other companies strive to achieve the same effect in their ads.  Advertising brings our attention to a product and makes us believe that we want or need that product.  It also tries to make us familiar to that product so when we are in the store we see that item and buy it.

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