Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Time is not linear, it is a dimension.

Phintan had just enrolled in his courses at the University of Minnesota for the fall semester of 2011. Since he was a freshman without any incoming credits, he had to register near the end of the registration period. He was not able to take a course that would count towards his major, so he decided that he would just mess around and take astronomy. Phintan had always seen time as linear. The clock had always ticked the same speed for his whole life. He had only thought about history in terms of human civilizations which he could easily comprehend on the linear scale which he had always known. He began to look into the history of the universe and realizing that he could not comprehend it. The entire history he had known was just a blink of the eye in the history of the universe. Phintan was also looking into the movements of interstellar objects. He realized that time was relative. It was directly related to distance and all of the other known forces in the Universe. He realized that time represented another dimension. He still had a hard time comprehending it so he decided to watch Lebron james miss a bunch of free throws.

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