Thursday, January 27, 2011

Documentary Blog Post #4 real one

Right now my group has an outline of what we want to get done and who is taking responsibility for it. We are not using the same one as we filled out in class though there are many similarities. Walker is just about to contact the potential interviewees to set up interviews and shoot B-roll footage. Walker will also play the biggest part in formulating the questions and I will conduct the actual interviews. Ian will be in charge of filming the interviews. Walker will be in charge of gathering B-roll because he has the greatest access to the people we will be working with. We also want to distance Walker from the actual interviews to get responses to our questions and not to Walker. He will still be there to help everyone feel comfortable.

I learned that it is important to make sure the interviewee is comfortable to get good responses to our questions. We also need to make sure that they include information from the question when answering the question.

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